A Collaborative Healthcare Consulting Firm
Collaborating with elxo is easy. It starts with a no-obligation discussion about the problem you are trying to solve, then we strategize together to find a solution that works for you.
We meet, virtually. We’ll talk about the problems you’re looking to solve and your vision for a just-right solution. If the project requires a confidentiality agreement, we can also take care of that at this stage.
We listen, working together to strategize possible pathways and next steps, whether that’s recommendations or app development. Whatever the solution, the goal is to remove friction for everyone.
We put together a proposal, complete with comprehensive estimates and a schedule. Then, we get to work.
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File away the spreadsheets for good and automate much of the process of complex care follow-up and communication. elxo’s solutions smooth the bumpy road of back-and-forth care collaboration, empowering patients to easily take action – and ownership – on their own journeys, and much, much more.
With elxo, you can expect a significant reduction in time managing patient care – up to 95%. If your staff were that much freer, what could you do? Connect more deeply? Solve higher-value practice problems? We can help you plan for the possibilities.
When you ease the path of complex care, all roads lead to better. Care gaps close. Patients stay in the system. Referrals roll in. And it all adds up to increased efficiency and healthier revenue.
We chose Elxo because, across our existing and new partner options, they had the edge in both cost and agility.
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