A Non-Developer's Guide to Low-Code/No-Code Software

For healthcare leaders, the prospect of creating new applications to solve the complicated problems faced by providers, staff, and patients can seem daunting (to say the least). The good news? New types of software development are making the process far more digestible. In this e-book, we’ll explain your options, from low-code/no-code to custom, and help you understand each solution’s benefits and use cases, as well as the steps to take to find the right partner for you. 

This eBook is perfect if you want to learn: 

  • Cost-effective alternatives to traditional software development

  • How to engage non-developers in building custom solutions

  • When it’s time to seek help from a vendor 

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A Non-Developer’s Guide to Low-Code/No-Code Software
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What's Inside

Our guide provides you with all the foundational information you need to know about low-code/no-code software development, including: 

  • The many ways it increases operational efficiency and empowers staff and patients
  • Its role in streamlining partnerships between IT and healthcare workers
  • A look at the highlights and drawbacks of each development type
  • Key considerations for working with a third party 

Download this comprehensive guide to learn what you can do now to elevate your software procurement game. 

Inside: A Non-Developer's Guide to Low-Code/No-Code Software

Table of Contents

Discover the benefits of low-code/no-code software for healthcare organizations. Learn how it empowers staff, streamlines IT partnerships, and improves patient care.

The rapid pace of healthcare IT innovation demands agile responses from hospitals, health systems, and other care facilities. But ensuring that the latest applications align with the changing needs of providers, staff, and patients is easier when both technical and non-technical stakeholders can work together using streamlined development solutions. 

Better patient-centric care? Improved workflows and processes? Both are music to the ears of any healthcare professional or patient walking through their doors. This chapter will discuss how low code/no code supports parties on both sides of the care equation. 

Whether preparing to go it alone or hire an external vendor, healthcare decision-makers must consider many factors to ensure the software they invest development resources in meets the high standards necessary to deliver results, while aligning with strict technical specifications as well as regulatory and security requirements. This guide concludes with practical advice and guidance to put you on the road to success.